Hey there from Ky!
Hey there! My name is Eric Buschman, I'm 18 years old, I'm relatively new to keeping critters and am looking forward to expanding my collection. I currently keep a Pacman Frog, a Malaysian painted frog, a Jones Armadillo lizard, and a Tarantula(Grammostola rosea). I am getting a garter snake in the very near future and look forward to learning all about them via this forum Thanks for having me!
Forum Moderator
Thamnophis cymru
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Simau.Croeso i'r fforwm .You certainly are in the best place to learn Thamnophis information.
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Welcome from a hot, sunny evening in Coventry.
Do you have your eye on a particular species of garter, or still deciding?
ChrisT. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia
matris ut plures
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Welcome to the forum from Connecticut!
Le Ann
"Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."
T. radix Ranch
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Nice to have you with us. Garters are the best.
Here is a link to the care sheet which is always a good place to start. Any questions not answered there can be posted to the forum.
Garter Snake Forum - Garter Caresheet

Looks like you have a couple of native garters to your State.
Here's a link to snakes of KY. Nice pdf. with range maps for each snake.
Eastern Garter (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis)
Eastern Ribbon (Thamnophis sauritus)
Western Ribbon (Thamnophis proximus)
Thamnophis houstonius
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Hello and welcome We would love to know what kind your looking to get!
~* Emily *~
Canis lupus familiaris- Tippy, Thamnophis proximus orarius- Proximus, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis- Tallie
Subadult snake
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Welcome to the forum Do you have your eye on any particular garters??
0.2.4 T.s. Fitchi - Flickabee and Salem
0.1 T.s. Sirtalis - Failte
1.1 T.e.Vagrans - Lumiere and Pumpkin
1.0 T.s. Pickeringii- Little Boy Blue
I like snakes!
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Welcome to the forum!
Re: Hey there from Ky!
Hey everyone. Thanks for the welcomes, really makes me feel well, welcomed =). Im looking at getting a chekered garter snake from bhbreptiles. Is this a good source for garters? I wish i knew the scientific name for it so i dont sound so ignorant =P. I do have a quick question about the smell. How bad or often do they actually smell. Ive heard it can be pretty bad. How often do your snakes musk? The problem is that since im still living at home i have to have the cage in my room and i have a pretty sensetive sense of smell so i dont want to get a pet only to be kicked out of my room by the smell, if that makes sense. Any help answering these qs would be great. Thanks in advance!!
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