I would have to say T.s.parietalis (Red Sided garter snake) Supralabials- upper lip scales 7 and row 2 and 3 on the lateral stripe.
Sage and Onion are good looking snakes.
I would have to say T.s.parietalis (Red Sided garter snake) Supralabials- upper lip scales 7 and row 2 and 3 on the lateral stripe.
Sage and Onion are good looking snakes.
really? I wasn't too sure what they were personally but I didn't think red sided :/
Originally Posted by Jeff B
I would have guessed Butlers garter
if they are I'd be one of the only owners in the UK I think
I agree with Stefan and Steve...although they do look like some easterns I have seen north of here...they also look very much like the red-sideds without the red...like Chris's.
Yep, they look like my Nobby who we decided was a parietalis. I occasionally see tiny flashes of red in the light scales below the lateral stripe, but she's not really what you'd call a high red.
T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia