so the snake escaped for a week. but i found it luckily and it seems while it was out it had shed and now has white spots down its sides the day i got it back in its cage it took a pinky with no problems but since hasn't eaten. I've only tried worms and mice so far so i'll try to get some fish and see if he'll take that. yesterday i went out with my dad to do some herping. while we we'er out we found 1 normal eastern and 2 of what i believe aremaritime garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus) but upon further research I've found these snakes aren't supposed to be in my area.. one is kinda normal garter coloring (greenish) but the other is a tanish-red color. there both smaller then the easterns, i have them in a 10 gallon and the two easterns are in the 30 gallon. ill take pictures of them when i get my camera back.
got 2 more today, just cant get enough. one is little and the other seems to be a female I'll be getting photos tomorrow. now i have 6 garters. I put the possible female in with the males temporally. Is this a big no no or is it fine?
my garters
1.2.1 T. s. sirtalis (Nagaina, Kaa, Naigini, Andrew and Scout) 0.1.0 unidentified thamnophis (Philip) "AT LEAST I'M UNDER THE IMPRESSION OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE"
ok so I finally got my camera back and took a few photos IMAG0108.jpgIMAG0110.jpgIMAG0111.jpg this is all i have so far i will try to get some vent pics tomorrow and some more pictures of the other snakes to. in the first picture i want to know what the lighter snake is its next to what i suspect is a normal eastern.
my garters
1.2.1 T. s. sirtalis (Nagaina, Kaa, Naigini, Andrew and Scout) 0.1.0 unidentified thamnophis (Philip) "AT LEAST I'M UNDER THE IMPRESSION OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE"
1.2.1 T. s. sirtalis (Nagaina, Kaa, Naigini, Andrew and Scout) 0.1.0 unidentified thamnophis (Philip) "AT LEAST I'M UNDER THE IMPRESSION OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE"
i took some more photos. the first 3 are of the 2 male easterns (red phase Naigini, normal Scout) the 2nd to last is the one i think is a female eastern, Nagaina. and the last one is of the baby i named Kaa, it was released today. Oh yeah and the 2 in the first picture on my last post are named Philip and Andrew. do they all look healthy?
my garters
1.2.1 T. s. sirtalis (Nagaina, Kaa, Naigini, Andrew and Scout) 0.1.0 unidentified thamnophis (Philip) "AT LEAST I'M UNDER THE IMPRESSION OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE"
They all look like they are in good shape.
Can you post some closer photos of Philip and Andrew.
Why are you so certain they are Maritime (T.s.pallidulus) garters?
well I'm not certain but Philip (the red one) doesn't look like an eastern, but I"m not an expert by any means. I was looking at pictures of red maritimes and it looked more like that. But Andrew shed and now looks like a regular eastern. I'll get some better pictures today of Philip.
my garters
1.2.1 T. s. sirtalis (Nagaina, Kaa, Naigini, Andrew and Scout) 0.1.0 unidentified thamnophis (Philip) "AT LEAST I'M UNDER THE IMPRESSION OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE"