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  1. #41
    "Preparing For Third shed"
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Hahahaha that's pretty funny , I wont disappoint in learning the way's of the radix !
    John !
    " A snake is only as calm as its handler "

    0.1 - T.s.parietalis

  2. #42
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Quote Originally Posted by EasternGirl View Post
    Uh oh have kicked in Steve's radix brainwashing is all part of the garter mafia propaganda...we have all been subjected to it at one point or another. He calls me on Skype and plays low frequency messages of radix brainwashing sound waves over my computer...."you love the radix....the radix is the only snake...radix is the only worship the radix"
    "So let it be written, so let it be done"
    I don't see a problem hear.
    5 awesome kids!
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    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  3. #43
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    High end flames (an eastern garter morph originally from Canada) are expensive, but quite impressive.

    My personally favorite "flashy" garter snake is orange or red phase albino T. radix.

    Albino T. sirtalis parietalis is pretty flashy too:

    And then there's T. sirtalis concinnus, which is pretty in it's normal wild coloration. similar to Ca red sided, but tamer.

  4. #44
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    For a first snake, look for good temperament as well- you will probably be handling that snake more than any other snake you subsequently aquire.
    I've seen Steves collection, and he really has a lot of *Gorgeous* Radixes, as well as many pretty colorations of other species. I particularly liked the blue concinnus and the red striped Northwesterns. (If we are moving away from the red phase, black and white, and gergeous yellow striped radixes, which in Steves collection is hard to do.)

    I'm fond of the bold lateral stripes of te Butlers Garter, but my local snakes aren't terribly showy.

    Why are you set on a male? Females are a lot calmer in general, and make better pets. Males tend to be more skittish and prone to hiding. (Tendency. not a rule. all are individuals.)

  5. #45
    "Preparing For Third shed"
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Albinos really catch attention they are very beautiful snakes but for some reason I love flames they might be my favorite type of garters , the coloration they have is just stunning.
    John !
    " A snake is only as calm as its handler "

    0.1 - T.s.parietalis

  6. #46
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    I believe Scott Felzer is taking pre-paid reservations and is expecting flame litters soon. Scott Felzer's Garter Snakes, specializing in aberrant garters

  7. #47
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Richard...those snakes are all so gorgeous! I agree...flames are probably my favorite too...well it's a toss up between flames and San Frans in terms of the prettiest garter...albinos are very stunning too...I also love some of the different blue ones...

    But terms of temperament I would say from what I have heard...go for a radix or a northwestern. From what I have heard...and we already discussed female over male...
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
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  8. #48
    "Preparing For Third shed"
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Yea i'm getting a female now, hopefully get a male next and see what happens after.
    John !
    " A snake is only as calm as its handler "

    0.1 - T.s.parietalis

  9. #49
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    That would be the best bet. Female first. If you want to breed later, it won't matter if the male is much smaller and younger as long as he's sexually mature. But it will matter if the female is smaller. Females as a general rule, mature later than males, and should be bigger than the male at breeding time, or roughly the same size. Females also usually grow to a larger maximum size than males.

    You can breed a 3 ft, 5 year old female to a 1 ft, 18 month old male, but not the other way around. Grow your female up. You can always get a younger male later.

  10. #50
    "Preparing For Third shed"
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    Re: *Question* Which type of garter stands out the most color wise ?

    Then I will do that , what would be the possible outcomes if I get a flame since they vary in color ( male ) and a red sided ( female ) ?
    John !
    " A snake is only as calm as its handler "

    0.1 - T.s.parietalis

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