I was just thinking that maybe a thread dedicated to snake first-aid items might be good.
A place we could list some of the common medicines used to treat our snakes, that coupled with a brief explanation of how it is used.
Keeping in mind that the more serious health issues should be diagnosed and treated by a qualified Vet.
This thread could a place to go for some good ideas on how to treat minor health issues.
I'll get things started with a few around the house items that most of us should have in our medicine cabinets already.

Neosporin(Triple antibiotic ointment)
Can be used to treat minor cuts and abrasions.

I get this next one from the pharmacy with a prescription from my Vet. My cost is $4
From the Vet. it is 10 times that amount.
Silver Sulfadiazine:
It is used much in the same way Neosporin is used. My Vet. recommends this on snakes who have had incisions made during treatment.
My Vet. has also recommend its use on suspicious(discolored) looking scales. Not in the mouth area though.