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  1. #21
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    Theyt seem to love the basement, theres a den down there and it holds water at one spot, I have seen over 10 down there, but sure. Well, the yards fine but the mortality rate is pretty high out there. I'm guessing I see 5 dead snakes a year minimum out there. I still don't want to dump a ton of babies next to my house..... I really have too many snakes, it's not up to the famous house yet but its getting there. I'd say me and Steve are about tying these days.

    Is it safe to seperate mothers and babies? I could care less about one more snake in my house (they come in and out at will if I let her go in the yard she will be back, Ive watched them slither in the front door) but a whole new brood living here?

  2. #22
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    ... would actually be kinda cool

  3. #23
    Pyrondenium Rose kibakiba's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    You can separate the mom and babies right when they're born. They don't have a relationship, its pretty much "out and your on your own"
    2.2.3 Thamnophis ordinoides Derpy Scales, Hades, Mama, Runt, Pumpkin, Azul, Spots
    (Rest in peace Snakey, Snap, Speckles, Silver, Ember and Angel.)

  4. #24
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    Yeah they have no relationship with the parents.

  5. #25
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    I'm a bit torn as what to do. I love snakes around the house, but not everyone (my girlfriend) is as happy to run into them everywhere as I am. Hopefully tomorrow is cool and she is a little active. It seems obvious (to an ignorant human) she chose the warmest spot in the house to nest up. She doesn't want to move. I didn't even need to catch her, I just picked up what she seemed to be nesting in and put it in a bin. I'm fully confident she would still be in the little "nest" I found her in if I hadn't found her, shame it was my bedroom.

    I wish I knew more of a safe place to let her go. Only snakes I've seen in the area are my property. I will release her as soon as she seems like she wants to move at all. She seems too weighed down to do much?

    Caught her/him last month same room (warmest in house). About a two foot milk snake. Skinny as hell (not anymore). Just sitting on the floor looking at me when I set down a cage of someones crested gecko I was watching. I was on the phone, I just reached down, picked up the skinny thing (i fattened her way up, at least 10 mice so far) and kept talking on the phone. I put her in an empty clothes bin, came back 5 minutes later she crawled out and was just staring at me from on top of a box. Picked her up again, her skin was so loose it was kind of scary so I've been her pet ever since, shes never bit, musked or pooped (on me). I swear shes tame. Only minor scare was she bit her cage for a few days last week but seems to have stopped. I have plans to release her this week (or next, she kind of looks sheddy, she shed once three days after I founds her, few mice and poof), was brilliantly colored, pretty dull again) but my girlfriend (who I should mention works with animals, dolphins to mice, behavioral stuff, surgery etc) swears shes too stupid to make it on her own and is trying to convince me to just keep her. Shes a horrible hunter. Takes ten minutes to find a dead mouse in her cage hunting for it frantically, and when she finds it she pokes it with her nose for 5 minutes first before eating it. Never seen her strike at anything. Bad strategy, but I've never met a more docile snake. Tempting to just keep her, she seems happy again. Sleeps all day in the open until she wants a mouse than gets a bit active.

  6. #26
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    I made a brief attempt at release, hoping she might be more active at night. She doesn't want to move. Is totally alert, moves her head, but refuses to move an inch. I can just touch her and she doesn't even flinch. She is going to sit wherever I put her it seems. Um.

    Should I attempt to feed her?

  7. #27
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    I don't know but what does this milk snake have to do with garters or wild checkered garters?

  8. #28
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    Caught her in the same "sealed" room with another eastern who didn't make it (euthanized by an animal keeper), had ripped itself open on tape that was in my closet.

    Sadly thats the third snake to die on tape here. I'm an artist, i used to use it for everything, but after killing a few I'm trying other ways. I'm tired of finding dead/dying snakes on my work i have to try to save, poor things. I imagine there's a den pretty close. I'm drowning in snakes. Mods feel free to delete I could care less, thought you guys liked snakes.

  9. #29
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    I like a lot of things they don't want discussed here. Not really my rules. I really couldn't care less.

  10. #30
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Re: Pregnant wild checkered? What to do....

    That strict these days? Was here a few years ago, things change or just did I never notice....

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