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  1. #1
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    It's been mention that infernalis might have had one at some point in time, but SOMEONE has their PMs turned off, so I couldn't ask directly...

    Honestly anyone with any information would be wonderful, because so far I've managed to find 0 care sheets. The best information I've come across so far is a study of racers in the wild that shows that their primary food source seems to be grasshoppers and crickets. Otherwise it's a lot of people saying they're very skittish, can't be tamed, and bite. Guess I haven't seen a whole lot of any of this with my guy. I mean, yeah, he's a little skittish, but he's injured! It's expected. Maybe he'll become more aggressive once he's fixed back up? I don't really know. He is awfully pretty, though so far he's spent most of his time hiding from me, so it would be nice to have him calm down and become a little bolder.

    Also, if anyone could help me come up with a name, that'd be great! I'm really not supposed to name my own pets anymore... Just because I named one little fish after the god of winter and darkness doesn't mean it's my fault we had an out of season blizzard that knocked out the power in half the city...

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    I just added you to my contact list, your PM messages will go through now.

    What is the nature of the injury?

    How old is the snake?? not specific, but is it a baby, sub adult or adult?

    Have any pictures?

    I keep mine in a 20 long with aspen shavings and a hide/water bowl.

    He's kept in a room that is maintained at 80 degrees (F) constantly with no additional heating aside from a small 40 watt basking lamp.

    I don't concern myself with humidity in his cage and he sheds perfectly.

  3. #3
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    The injuries are from a cat [friend called me when her cat found a snake], he got out of it with only a couple of cuts, though they do not seem to be too deep. I've been keeping him in a clean tank and putting Neosporin on the wounds to try and keep them from getting infected, but beyond those he really seems to be quite healthy and strong. Definately doing much better than he had been when my friend first found him. Apparently he was hardly even moving his head at that point.

    I'm guessing full adult. He's somewhere between 2-3 feet long, solid color with none of the baby markings.

    I'm a little concerned with making sure he gets the right food. Any research I've managed has said that in the wild they primarily feed on crickets and grasshoppers, but I know crickets are frowned upon as a food source for snakes. Does that go for all snakes, or just some? So far he's either eaten 2 of the worms I put in a dish in his tank, or they managed to escape and are hiding really, really well.

    What kind of behavior can I expect from this kind of snake? The majority of what I've seen on the net suggests that I should have been bitten half a dozen times already, but this guy seems to be a little timid and not at all nippy. Not even when I'm putting medicine on him.

    Also, do you burmate your racer? I know it's not really necessary for garters, but do you think it would be beneficial to a racer?

  4. #4
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    OH! Idea! Is it wrong to name a snake Achiles?

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    Quote Originally Posted by MlizGr View Post
    OH! Idea! Is it wrong to name a snake Achiles?

    Not at all.

    OK.. I feed mine hopper mice. No insects ever. Even when he was a baby he only showed interest in catching live Anoles.

    Mine is 2 years old and I have just kept on feeding him all winter, no brumation is really necessary.

    I have heard of less aggressive specimens, so it is possible you may have one of those.

    What really attracted me to having one was the legendary bad temperament. Call me strange, but I have an affection for mean snakes.

    I would try a thawed mouse. Adult racers in the wild consume a lot of rodent, Moles, Voles, Mice and small rats are all consumed. Probably squirrel, chipmunk and rabbit pinks as well.

    My guy Toby pounds almost anything I put in front of him, rat pinks, mice no problem.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    Those wounds look like they are healing well.

    Healing snakes like it kinda warm, do you have a basking lamp?

    Any 40-60 watt flood light works perfectly. I get 45 watt reflector bulbs at dollar tree all the time ($1 store)

  7. #7
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    See, that's what I origionally thought. The exoskeletons could hurt their innards and all... Definitely don't want to risk him getting hurt worse than he is.

    I'll swing by a couple of the pet stores in town on monday to see if I can find some pinkies. Not completely sure how big of food he'd be able to take, so I'll start with the smallest and see how he handles it.

    Well, I hope he stays nice. Haven't been bitten by a snake yet and I'd really prefer avoiding it if I can. Of course, he's still beautiful either way, and if he does start getting mean he might just get handled less. We'll see how it goes. Right now he's just gunna have to put up with it until he heals up.

  8. #8
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    I actually do have one, except it's not set up quite yet. I hadn't actually finished making the new tank lid, and it still needs a screen put on before I can use it. We have the screen, it will probably go on tomorrow, and then he'll have extra warmth. Until then I'm using a blank canvas with weights all along the edge, so there really isn't any way to set up a lamp right now. We don't have ac, so during the day it's plenty warm [high 70's to 80's], though I have considered getting him a heating pad for the nights when we try and get things to cool off. Would the heating pad go on the same side as the lamp so that the cool side never changes?

    His tank is in a very out of the way place, so there isn't much traffic at all, and it doesn't cool off as much as the main rooms do at night.

  9. #9
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    Sounds like you are off to a decent start.

    They sell these in most discount stores for a whole lot less than pet shops do..never paid over $8 for one. Lowes has them for $5

  10. #10
    "Preparing For First shed"
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    Re: Does anyone have information on keeping a Racer?

    Haha! Mine looks almost exactly like that! I actually got mine with one of my tanks, though the bulb it had in it at the time was WAY too hot. Since then I've replaced it with a much less powerful one. Don't want to cook the poor snake after all!

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