His mouth is not always open, but he opens it often. He has done this since we first saw him on the driveway, two days before I found him again in the garage (and before the head wound). At first we thought it was possibly an aggressive sign, but since he is so calm and still does it I am not sure that is it. Then we thought maybe it was breathing issues with that big scar on his head obstructing his nasal area, but that is gone now too... so I don't know why he does it... although it is kind of cute, haha.

Sometimes I feel like he reacts to movement, but not all of the time so I am not sure if it is the movement or the scent or sound or something else. Sometimes when he is up against the side of the cage, if I put my face down close to the cage he'll lift his head up (possibly) in response to that. But he also often seems to ignore movement in front of his eyes.. which is why I am a little unsure. Although his eyes do look a little.. off.. to me.