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  1. #11
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Quote Originally Posted by mb90078 View Post
    I'm not sure he even counts as an experienced breeder. He may (or may not) know about certain species of reptiles, but even if he does, that does not make him and expert on all of them.
    Print off a care cheet and give it to him. Do it in a professional way and maybe he'll even look at it. It never hurts to try
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  2. #12
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    This has been said before, but I will repeat it...

    The major downside to "saving" snakes from pet shops is it promotes them to order more snakes in to replace the ones you "saved"

    Sounds awful, but if you don't buy it.. the pet shop will most likely not order more of them.

  3. #13
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Quote Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
    This has been said before, but I will repeat it...

    The major downside to "saving" snakes from pet shops is it promotes them to order more snakes in to replace the ones you "saved"

    Sounds awful, but if you don't buy it.. the pet shop will most likely not order more of them.
    Kind of a "Catch 22" Makes for a tough decision when dealing from the heart.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  4. #14
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" Spankenstyne's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    Kind of a "Catch 22" Makes for a tough decision when dealing from the heart.
    Absolutely it's tough, but Wayne's right. It's that tough immediate decision that will pay off in the long run.
    I've seen a few "petstores" out here stop selling most or all of their reptiles because "they're too much of a hassle to keep alive and nobody wants to buy them" (or some variation of).
    Unfortunately still too many folks mean well and keep buying up someone else's problem animals that usually end up in heartbreak and big vet bill$.

    The good places that research and have experienced people are still doing just fine.

    I'm all for rescuing reptiles, it's thankless and very noble, but paying someone for those animals unfortunately feeds the cycle.

  5. #15
    Adult snake Snakers's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    I don't understand people like that!
    Wants:Any Color Morph of the Thamnophis s.s.,And maybe a Radix

  6. #16
    Juvenile snake Faunaofthenorth's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    that i completely agree with. I think he was trying to say he was experienced because of the amount of time he has bred. I personally feel that he was not experienced, at least like you some reptile species. He did have "OK" quality boas but i still felt bad for them, though, but i'm happy i saved the baby, i only hope he starts eating on his own and hopefully doesnt develop any problems, and i hope i can irradicate the mites before they infest everything
    It is better to forgive and to forget than it is to remember and to hate..

    I love my Thamnophis sirtalis annectens....he is so coool

  7. #17
    Pyrondenium Rose kibakiba's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Indeed, maybe you can take it to the vet? Poor thing. I really hate idiots like that guy. I like to act like I know what I'm talking about, especially with computers... But I'd never say I'm experienced. It'd make me look like an idiot. Lol.
    2.2.3 Thamnophis ordinoides Derpy Scales, Hades, Mama, Runt, Pumpkin, Azul, Spots
    (Rest in peace Snakey, Snap, Speckles, Silver, Ember and Angel.)

  8. #18
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" Spankenstyne's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    I really hope you're not putting the rest of your collection at risk by having done this.

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I think we all, as reptile lovers understand the sentiment behind weanting to help as many of them as we can. Your compassion is commendable.

  9. #19
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Just to clarify, Vendors are not always breeders, breeders are not always vendors.

    BS flows at shows like water in a storm.

    Table "A" will BS you about table "B" if it means getting the sale.

  10. #20
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: sometimes experienced breeders aren't really "experienced"

    Thank you for saving the baby.
    Le Ann

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