It's not an upgrade. It's an expansion. 1X 20 gallon long(holding tank with ordinoides) +20 gallon long w/concinnus +10 gallon for amy, and now a 55 gallon long! I've never had the opportunity and room to take on a large enclosure like this. I've always admired water features and the like, but always had limited enclosures/space/money so I opted for practical solutions before now. You know, newspaper pellets/aspen shavings/ cold steel water dishes, etc.

This time, I want to create the appearance of a natural ecosystem. (not possible to contain a real ecosystem)

I just want a bit of a corner with flowing water contained from the rest of the tank, with real live plants. the rest is just going to be reptibark/coconut fiber, a log/climbing structure, and garter snakes.

I know that I will probably make mistakes and there will be a need for adjustment. A "pretty" enclosure that supports a waterfall and plant life is only secondary. The snakes come first, even if i have to line it with newspaper or aspen shavings and only have a water basin. I think I will have fun finding a compromise.

Just an update: It will be at least 4 weeks before I can afford(and have time) to get materials to start my waterfall project. That needs to cure and function first. The rest will be easy. Anyway, I hope to have it completed by early July. That will free up a 20 gallon for babies!