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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: Sick, fat, smelly garter snake, advice??

    Sorry for the loss.

    I'm sorry whenever a snake dies a (likely) preventable death in captivity.

    Still puzzled over the OP's statement "Our snake, is most likely sick, we think, but with what, we're not sure." That concerns me. As if the bloated belly and signs of starvation (loose, folded skin) weren't enough? That snake was either emaciated before the impaction occurred, or has been sick a very long time and yet nobody noticed before now? Surely signs were there long before the snake starved and nearly exploded. Early enough to prevent the death.

    Really? not sure? That statement, along with the choice of substrate in the enclosure makes me wonder how many other things you're not "not sure" of. Looks like corncob bedding which, in spite of what the package says, is NOT digestible and is infamous for causing impaction. You may get away with using it (not the best choice) without problems but surely you wouldn't feed them with that stuff around, would you? Did you?

  2. #22
    "Preparing For Second shed" Quibble's Avatar
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    Country: United States

    Re: Sick, fat, smelly garter snake, advice??

    I came accross this page, and this section seems to correlate with what your snake had. It is about boas though, but it still may clear up some questions.

    By the time amoebiasis can be diagnosed, it is usually too late to save the individual. The rear half of an infected animal's body may swell greatly, movement becomes difficult, a hard plug may form in the colon anterior to the cloaca, anorexia develops, and the snake can only pass blood-tinged mucus. The snake generally can only drag the rear half of its body around. After diagnosis, animals usually die a few days later from gastrointestinal enteritis and liver abscesses. Infected individuals should be isolated immediately, preferably to a different room. The cage must be disinfected thoroughly. Since the pathogen, Entamoeba invadens, occurs in a cyst form, it is extremely infectious and can be transported in bedding or on the hands. Amoebiasis is the worst infectious disease of herpetological collections (Donaldson et al. 1975, Bihn and Napolitano 1980)."

    Snake care
    "Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Work with diligence, Be kind to people." -Mikao Usui

  3. #23
    "First shed In Progress"
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    Oct 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: Sick, fat, smelly garter snake, advice??

    My iguana died of what seems to be the same thing. We may have induced it by feeding her poorly (this was 20 years ago, we grew hibuscus and fed it veggies and cat food, the cat food was probably bad), I kind of suspected gout, but that description above me is dead on what my iguana had.

    It happened pretty fast. Maybe 3 days to fully swell if I remember right. Few people take care of reptiles properly, it's tough to say or judge. Lot of bad info out there.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: Sick, fat, smelly garter snake, advice??

    All the more reason for concern. I hope the OP has read this and understands the implications to other possible garters in the house, and any future garters. TKS quibble, for the input.

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