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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Have they mated?

    I found 2 snakes in my basement tonight that appeared to be entwined. One was about 18" and the other was over 2' and thick!. I was able to capture both and noticed the larger one's vent was "open" and tissue beneath it (cloacca?) was swollen and protruding from the vent. It's just now starting to cool off at night here in Pennsylvania but I thought that garters bred after hibernation (in the spring?). Could they have bred without hibernation and from this description does it sound as if they did?
    I've owned several snakes over he years and have cared for many more at my high school lab. I've owned garters, milks, corns, hognose, rats, and have cared for boas, retics and burms, and kings the king gave birth and I successfully hand fed her offspring. So I am not new to care of snakes and would like to give breeding a try.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    I wouldn't rule it out. It is quite possible for them to breed without brumation, even if it does help. They have also been observed mating in the autumn in the wild.

  3. #3
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    the idea that they only mate after brumation is a myth
    both my vet and I have observed that many garters mate in fall before brumation
    sperm production is at peak before brumation, so the little buggers are ready to go at it in spring, and since the sperm gets stored over winter in any case, it doesn't much matter who stores it - in garter world the females can store sperm for years if they want to; so if there's opportunity - why not?
    I'm thinking it's a lot easier to check out the guy, when there isn't a bunch of them all at the same time
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: Have they mated?

    Sounds like I should be getting a nesting box ready and another tank for the male and the fem at birth time huh? At this time of the year, gestation would put the birth date around Christmas/New Years, Normally since these are captive snakes they should be in brumation? at this time. If mating was successful would the fem hold off giving birth until after brumation? Should I force brumation or just keep them at around 70-80 deg in the tank so birth can occur successfully?

  5. #5
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    Quote Originally Posted by shedding View Post
    Sounds like I should be getting a nesting box ready and another tank for the male and the fem at birth time huh? At this time of the year, gestation would put the birth date around Christmas/New Years, Normally since these are captive snakes they should be in brumation? at this time. If mating was successful would the fem hold off giving birth until after brumation? Should I force brumation or just keep them at around 70-80 deg in the tank so birth can occur successfully?
    All good questions but we don't have the answers to most of them. Your snakes will let you know if they want to brumate and she'll let you know whether she's going to fertilize and deliver or wait.
    I've had January deliveries, but never from a brumated snake. You don't need to separate them. You can do that shortly before any delivery. If she's going to deliver in 90-120 days he won't bother her anymore. His work is done. My snakes always do better with a roomate. Keep us posted and the best of luck.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  6. #6
    Subadult snake garterchick's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    I had some mid summer mating of my Flames, is it safe to brumate her? How do I know if she's just retaining sperm or if she's "incubating"? I can't ever tell by her size if she's pregnant.
    tina, aka garterchick

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    You could try palpating the flame. Allow her to glide freely through your fingers and as the does apply gentle upward pressure on her belly and if she is gravid you may be able to feel little bumps!

    As for the fall copulation thing, I would imagine, especially being wild snakes, that a brumation period for a few months during the winter would be the only way to "seal the deal" on the female becoming gravid. Remember, her body is now in tune to go to sleep for a long period of time, and is not thinking about preparing to have any babies. They do mate in autumn but it's just for sperm storage and backup in case the female emerges in winter and for some reason does not mate then she has some stored. She will likely go off feed now anyways and if that is the case, will have to be brumated or else she will starve at those higher temperatures!
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  8. #8
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: Have they mated?

    The male has turned out to be an excelent eater (I think) after just one day in captivity, 3 pinkies and a gold fish in about 10 minutes. The fem hasn't eaten yet (as far as I know). I'm not sure if she's off the feed or if she possibly ate before being captured. I'll keep an eye on her. I haven't seen either one venture out of their "den" I dropped the pinkies in front of it and the male pokes his head out and picks up his meal and pulls them back in to eat. He grabbed the first 3 pinks very quickly and I never saw him actually eat them but when he came back out for the goldfish I did see him partially swallow it before going back in. They are both holed up together in a "bat house" laying on its back, its basically an 8"x10"x1" cedar box. Could it be possible that the male was bringing back food for the fem? are they that social/communal?

  9. #9
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    Quote Originally Posted by shedding View Post
    Could it be possible that the male was bringing back food for the fem? are they that social/communal?
    In a word: No.

  10. #10
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Have they mated?

    please let me clarify
    even if they did mate, it's highly unlikely the birth will occur before spring
    remember - they store sperm
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

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