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Thread: sarcasm

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  1. #10
    Subadult snake snakems's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: sarcasm

    no i dont really see anything WRONG with sarcasm either, especially if its going to lighten the mood when its in great need of being lightened! which it often may be. And I also am not saying that it takes away from or means that any of you guys arent great and caring individuals out for the best interest of the garters of course! but honestly I didnt really take what that new member said as being patronizing or condescending to any of the more experienced and knowledgable members here. Im not even saying really that anyone's response to it was "wrong" but I dunno. I feel that If I were someone with lots of garter experience just joining this forum and just wanting everyone to know that I was here to help, I probably would have said just that and I certainly WOULDNT have been underestimating anyone's expertise, or trying to belittle anyone ELSE's knowledge or experience. I think the fact would remain that I was joining to help, and did in fact know a lot about garters so it's what I would have said. lol
    No where did he say that he was the savior to all of us little garter novices.

    and I see that a lot of you here seem to know eachother quite well, through the way you converse in the threads and using sarcasm like that, its seems the other's completely expecting it and responding accordingly. All is well.
    I mean maybe he didnt give a disclaimer or anything before he posted but I just felt like I would have been scared away if I were the guy.
    It would prob help if i could find the link, and Im not trying to start an argument with anyone on here of course, just telling it from my point of view as it could possibly be similar to his. And it very well may NOT be
    but im expressing my opinion
    Last edited by snakems; 02-10-2009 at 03:58 PM.
    <3 Snakems

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