So ive been livign int he new house for a few months now and have been thinkin of turning the basement into my snake room, i have 4 rooms in the basement and each one is ruffly 12'x12' but there isnt much headroom so im goign to have to dig down (dirt floor) a good 2-3' to make it a little easier for me to walk around (im 6'2").

but i have been thinking of a few down sides...

1. My furnace is down there (oil burner), its all the way in the front of the house but my snake room would be next to the room its in, id have to make sure no fumes or anything makes it way over incase something fails

2. Its a little damp down there, i dunno if this is bad or good, for one i know humidity wouldnt be a problem

3. I do have radiators in each room down there but it still stays a little chilly.

4. since ive been here i had one mouse in the basement and a few stray cats, i guess the PO didnt have the basement seald off to well. i dunno what the mouse/rat problems will be but neightbors report they dont have an issue

im sure i can cover every downside once i complete the snake room... walls. new floor (after digging down a little) and so on.

what do you guys think? it would prolly have to wait till after spring hits because im restoring my motorcycle in the basement right now.