Hi all! Sorry for not being active on the forum for some time, Iīve been helping out my girlfriend moving to her new apartment, you know how it is
ANYWAY I was thinking-Itīs kind of a drag that I canīt feed my garters frogs since Iīm sure they would love it. I know that itīs a matter of parasites when collecting from the wild and I wonīt play with that. And of course they are protected here in Sweden.
But I came to think about the xenopus frogs Xenopus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (African clawed frog I believe) wich are readily available in petshops. They are kept in the same tanks as the feederfish wich I sometimes offer my snakes as a treat, and I know for a fact that they are captive-bred so Iīm thinking that parasites should be the same as with the fish(?)!. They seem to be the perfect solution in that they can be put in the waterbowl just like feederfish and as far as I know they arenīt poisonous. Have anyone else considered this as an option or is this a bad idea? Feedback please!