Many of us just log on to our forum(s) without giving a lot of thought to the how and why aspects of the forums existence.

The software that makes this forum work, costs money.. The server that our forum calls home, that costs money too..

Unlike some other forums, members are not constantly looking at banner ads and flashing lights (How other sites generate revenues)

All this time, Jason (Boots) is there in the background (mostly silent) paying those bills and keeping this place the well oiled machine that it is.

The recent upgrade to the forum software is excellent, You can now cut and paste sentences in the post editor without switching over to the basic mode. The modern layout of the profiles, and the other new features are great..

So anyways, I started this thread to say a great big thanks to Jason for all he does, the silent maintenance, and for launching this web site in the first place.

It's like the best club house in town, where else can you talk about garter snakes all day??