I have a garter who's a couple of months old (he was born sometime in the summer) and he hasn't been very interested in food lately. He used to eat every 3 or 4 days or so and I've been feeding him small pinkies. The last time he ate was about a week ago so I'm not too freaked out about it, but he was offered food yesterday and wouldn't eat. Could this be because he's going to shed soon? He's only shed once before since I've had him and I didn't notice a loss of appetite last time.
He's also been laying around a lot and not doing much which sort of bothers me since it's so unlike him. He stays in his hide longer in the morning, but maybe it's just the change in seasons.
Anyways, any input you guys have would be appreciated. Like I said, it's only been a week since he ate last but I can't help but be a little worried by his behaviour. I just don't want to lose my snake.