well I can say that MY hoggy used to be just like yours... when i first got him I had a LOT of trouble with him. Maybe, it is just too soon for your hoggy yet. He may still be shy about his new home. Mine did not eat for the first month I had him. Eventually I learned that even though he was supposed to be eating f/t... he only wanted live pinkies. So try offering f/t for two more weeks ( try once and wait the full week before trying again, too many tries will freak him out) and if you get nothing, attempt to feed him a live. At First Sledge, my western hoggy would only eat a live pink that was dropped into his cage for him to "find"... sometimes you will find that snakes are much more willing to eat if they feel that they "found" the food item all on their own and that us humans had nothing to do with putting it there! Leave the pinky over night and hopefully it dissapears.

Once i got sledge faithfully accepting live pinkies... I started to sneak a second dead one into his mouth while he was swallowing once he was big enough to eat two. Then every week before his live pinky, I would offer him a dried off f/t that was wiggled around with my tongs(you have to be sneaky about openeing the cage and slipping in unnoticed) as if it were alive... if i had no luck, I would give him the live one off the tongs, and eventually he became so eager to eat what I had on the tongs that he started accepting dead ones. NOW I can say that sledge is a garbage disposal and he will eat any rodent, any time and place, even if it a baby hamster instead of a mouse and is on the living room floor. Just Keep trying, but don't OVER-try or you will stress the little fella out. good luck!