Hi !

I'm representing a new association of biologist. We are all working in a national research center (CNRS, in Gif sur Yvette, close to Paris) and for fun we started a "club", most of us are already aquariophyls and we'd like to have snakes as well. At the moment we have an E.guttata but we all agreed as we have plenty of fish to sacrifie that it would be nice to have Thamnophis. We have collected informations and our favorite is T.sirtalis tetrataenia but it's expensive and hard to find in France. That's why I'm here. Do somebody know a possibility to "find" such snakes in France without giving our salary for it?
If we don't find anything we'll go for a sauritus but we'd love to have T.sirtalis tetrataenia.

Btw, I'm impressed ! Your website is amazing! I was not expecting such a well documented site about Garter snake. It's not popular in France.