I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, or even if it's allowed. If it's in the wrong place, or actually not allowed, please move or remove it, as necessary...Thanks!

Anyhow...I know a few of you have websites out there dedicated to your businesses and these wonderful animals. I have one too. I breed king and corn snakes.

I don't have any garter snake information on my site, frankly because after 20 years of playing with boids and kingnskaes...I am just getting my feet wet with garters.

So...anyone interested in exchanging links? I am happy to offer a spot on my Links Page, to direct garter-potential traffic to your sights, in exchange for a link on your site to direct king and corn snake potential traffic to my site.

What do you say? Anyone interested?

Go ahead and checkout my site...www.KingofColubrids.com. If you are interested...shoot me an email with a link to your site, and we'll work it out.
