Well im thinkin of breeding my own mice, i now have a Ribbon, Garter and a Ball Python plus there is another reptile show Dec. 6th so i know ill be getting another kind of snake. so this might save me a few bucks in the long run plaus i always liked mice.

so to make this simple whats all needed to start? i know i need 2 mice ofcourse but how should i go about picking them? i know from when i was a kid it was easier for 2 mice to get along if you got them when they were raised together but isnt there a worry about breeding a brother and sister? also will a 10 gallon tank be good enough for mice and will one of those hamster cages with the tubes be good? i would like my mice to be happy and have tubes to run thru if it will be good for them.

what steps need to be taken once i get some baby mice? do i just let mom take care of this? i kinda think i remember hearing the fathjer has to be removed from the babies.

does a mouse only mate in certain enviroments and time of year? are there any special steps to be taken to encourage mating? how long does it take for a female to give birth to young ones? how long till the young ones can be removed from the mother?

i know alot of questions but i wanna know the basics and maybe a little more before i get into this. i know how to care for them because i had them as a kid.

thanks in advance and hopefully some of you can chime in and point me in the right direction.