Last night I got Swiper 4 minnows. He was all over the tank so I thought he was hungry again. Well I put the minnows in a bowl with a pinky. I wanted to see if he would eat the pinky in with the fish. Well he took it out 2 times so I grabbed some tongs to put it back in the water. I kept checking up on him and he so far ate 3 minnows. So about 30 mins later I checked back with him and he ate the last minnow AND I saw the pinky feet sticking out of his mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He ate his first pinky with me!!!!!!! Im sooooo HAPPY and Excited!!!!!!! So next week ill feed him again. Here some pics of him after he ate. Hes huge!! I took these after he ate last night. Excuse the mess in his cage. It needs to be cleaned this weekend and I took all of his hides out when he eats. Hes a mean eater and is all over the place lol