So... I ran into the reptile show today. (my cousin had surgery in the hospital and my ma wanted me to hustle) While looking for rodent food, firebelly toads, chubby frogs, and garters (The first one I only found in bulk for $15, way too much for me, the second of which I found none, and the last of which I found a single adult female checkered for $150 and a pair of albinos for $150, yet again, WAY too much,) I kept seeing this guy carrying around a bag of clawed frogs... But they were pink. I thought he had bought them there so I checked around and found none. Eventually I summoned up the courage to ask him where he got them, and he said he was selling them.
At first I was only going to get one... But in all my years (I used to be REALLY big on Xenopus a few years ago until an outbreak of red-leg killed off my breeding stock) I had never seen glowing, nonetheless pink, clawed frogs before! So I bought two.
These are the niftiest frogs I've ever seen. They're eating everything I put in their little tank (which isn't very surprising for Xenopus, and which isn't really a tank, more of a modified deli cup lol) Apparently there are green versions available, but those are for lab use only I think.
The real kicker on the deal was that they were $10 a piece, which is a steal for albino xenopus, and even more of a shock for these dudes! Pics in a few, let's hope I've got a pair!