How much my garter collection has taken off this year! I wrote myself a little tally today while at work to ease the excited frenzied state I was in over getting home to my box with blacknecks in it... and it really grew!

After I recieve my shipments tomorrow and next week, my garter collection is as follows:

0.1 Hypo Sirtalis
1.2 Flame Sirtalis
1.1 FL Blue Sirtalis
2.8 normal (but totally beautiful) sirtalis, babies and adults
0.1 "pumpkin" the weird baby sirtalis, born normal but is turning orange??
0.1 Iowa Snow Radix
0.1 Nebraska Amel Radix
0.1 Normal Radix
2.0 Anery het both amel strain's Radix
0.1.1 parietalis (the one coming from kyle is unsexed)
1.1 parietalis het anery
1.1 Similis
1.1 Fitchii
1.2 Patternless (almost no red spots) Concinnus
1.1 Normal Concinnus
1.1 Hypermelanistic Vagrans
1.1 Cyrtopsis ocellatus
0.1 Pickeringii
1.1 Sauritus x Proximus freaks (but I love them)

alls I can say is... I don't think I have enough garters

Next season, I make it my goal to add:

infernalis (calie red sided)
atratus (santa cruz- will stop at nothing for these)
marcianus (checkered's - just normals!)
proximus rubrilineatus (redstripe ribbons)
cyrtopsis cyrtopsis (western blacknecks)
couchii (sierra)
melanogaster (mexican black bellied)
ordinoes (northwestern?)
terrestris (coast garter)

and whatever else I forgot

This is also my official announcement that I am cutting in half my collection of anything not-garter, not-ribbon, not-water snake or storeria very, very soon. And as I add more and more thamnophis, I will continue to move other species. I am very serious when I say my long term goal is to eventually work with at least 2, ideally more, of every species and subspecies I can have. haha, I AM the next Scott Felzer... in blonde-chick form!

Now... will my entire garter collection fit in my signature??? going to find out now.