Oh boy... I have fallen head over heels for a garter on Kingsnake... only to discover he's wc... and my personal choice is to try to always avoid wc snakes. But oh, man, I even dreamed about the darn thing last night. LOL

Aaaargh... he's only been captive a month. The guy says he's eating well. But I don't know this guy... and there's the other thing... I also decided I would only buy from people I knew on this forum. So here I am considering going against both my rules...

I know the answer: stop browsing Kinsnake when I'm bored late at night. LOL!!!!!

I waaaaaaaaaaant him.... but I shouldn't...... come on guys, advise me here... also, I guess I shoudl ask-- is anyone else looking at him? I don't want to compete with anyone here. He's listed as a blue belly garter, and trust me, you'll know him when you see him. Darn it, I've already looked at his pic 100 times this morning...
