Hi guys, I'm new to this site, love you all :P

I recently got a Garter snake.

I have read almost every possible piece of information there is to its care and things like that.

Well this is what i have seen. Since the Snake is in its growing state, it has eaten lots of stuff, 3 goldfish (yeah she’s a beast) some earthworms and a frog. (its been 2 weeks since i got her).

Well i have only seen her poop once. But now I’ve been noticing some powder (white) like substance in the floor of the cage, with some bones mixed. Don't really know if it was poop or if the snake puked. (That will probably be my main question).

The second one is.

Here is an example of the current Garter Snake specie i got:

For some reason, what’s supposed to be her yellow side of her body have turned rather light brown. i think she might be ready to lose her old skin, but I’m not that sure.

And also, since she has eaten a lot, her scales have kinda separated a bit, so on her yellow strips i can see small spots from between her scales. And on her black stripers i can see some white spots as well.
Should I worry a lot? are those series of events any kind of symptoms to any known disease? I will be checking these website hardcore for the next 2-4 days for an answer.

Want to thank you in advance.


Nelson Gomez

P.S: I soke her in water twice a week. Is the water supposed to have any oil on it or somehting? Or am i only supposed to get them wet. (just wondering).