Quote Originally Posted by drache View Post
I've been having trouble finding worms in my yard and I'm wondering what is going on
in a fit of irritation over something else, I moved the entire compost pile this morning
it had needed to be done anyway, so why waste perfectly good anger on pacing and door slamming
anyway - I didn't see any
a whole bunch of other bugs, and some nice black dirt, but no worms
earlier this summer I got a couple of those someone else (Kyle?) had mentioned - the ones that drop the tail
now - nothing
today I read up on land planarians Land Planarian (flatworm) - DirtDoctor.com - Howard Garrett - The Dirt Doctor and now I'm totally freaked
I know it's like hypochondria of the dirt, or stuff one goes through in med school
Also... Might I mention now's not a good time of year for worms?
My neighbors are big on composting and etc, in the spring I could pull out literally thousands of worms from their one pile. Now, with the ending summer heat and dryness, the worms have tunneled deeper (I'd say... a good 6 feet under, lol) or gone into aestivation; don't worry, in spring when the snow melts and we have all that cool, moist weather you'll find them all over again.