Every morning when I wake up first thing I do is take the dogs out, feed and water the rabbits, feed and water all the rodents, hedgie, opossum, etc. The last to get checked on/misted/fed are the reptiles. Inyoka was the first of the herps I checked out..well, she wasn't there! I pulled out everything in her enclosure, sifted through all the aspen, and nothing. I had/have no clue how she got out. I was home alone that day until around 8 (when the b/f got home,) so I spent the rest of the day search the house for her. I made bottle traps with nightcrawlers as bait. Nothing the whole day. The b/f got home at almost 9, he tried his best to comfort me, but I just felt awful. I felt like the worst pet owner to let such a tiny animal, and the easiest of those we have to care for, escape like that. Well, he starts searching the house and finds her on the first try. She was under the tank stand that holds my BP, probably for the warmth. I busted into tears I was so happy. When he scooped her up she had this look on her face like "Oh, thank goodness you found me!!" And since she's been back in her own enclosure she keeps trying to get out again We quadroople checked the enclosure and fixed any areas that could possibly allow anything as small as a flea get out.

The worst part is that this is the second animal this week that escaped. The first was a female soft furred rat that chewed through her cage and made it into the kitchen. Before this, I've never, ever had any animals escape. I hope it doesn't happen again!