Guys and Gals and Fellow Garter Addicts...
Went down to the basement just a little while ago to check on all my 23 Garters and whom do I see coiled up next to my Rubbermaid Tall Rough Neck box, near the heat pad,...... Mr. Climber!!! He's back!
I was in TOTAL disbelief as I though one of my other Garter's got loose! My first thought was Oh, no... Not again! Then I looked closer at what was the very dehyrdated, Mr. Climber and saw the orange striping on his side.... YES, It's Climber! He's come back from a possible hide in the "Chutes and Ladders" game box or maybe behind the "Battleship" game box..?
I slowly picked him up and looked at the many folds and wrinkles of his skin. Man, was he dehydrated! I then placed in my 20-gal tank with Jacqueline and Samantha (his former tank mates) and placed him in the water bowl where he almost drank the darn thing dry! I then placed him on a log above the heater pad and below my 75 watt light, figuring he is probobly very cold floor from the AC in the basement.
I offered him some earthworms. Nope, he scotted by the worm and headed back to the water bowl for more water!!
I have torn my basement apart more than at least 10 times, moving all the junk and boxes and moving the washer and dryer around as much as the Maytag repairman... That darn Climber...! ARGHHH! IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!!!
I would do it again, and again if I had too!
Where have you been for the past 4 weeks, young man?
(Maybe he'll tell me someday over a cup of Rodent Pro Pinkies?)

YAAAAHHOOOOOO!! Wayne, I need the Cat!
Thanks to everyone for all your kind suggestions (and PM's from many very experienced Garter lovers) as to how to find and catch Climber! I really appreciate everyone's help!
What a bunch of great friends I have made on this forum! You guys and Gals are the BEST!!!