First, let me say that I'm never looking for a garter again When I'm just going about my business they seem to find me So I'm walking out to my driveway tonight... in the middle of the suburbs... when a quick movement startles me. It's a nice sized garter snake, T. e. elegans, who quickly cruises under our boat... in our driveway... Yes, I took a picture or two and will share them tomorrow

Now for the opinion part... I didn't feel good about leaving it in the driveway in the suburbs, so for now it's in a 10g tank, a good distance away from Sly and the babies. Here are the options and I could really use your help deciding what to do...

Do I let it go back where I found it? Scurrying between our flower bed and driveway? We all have manicured lawns most have landscapers...lots of asphalt, cement, a pool here and there, dogs, cats, cars, and lawns mown once a week. He/She is good size so must have been doing ok out there, but

I could take him/her to the nearby greenbelt creek where Sly was caught and release it there, but again doesn't seem ideal

Do I keep it? If so, what kind of time frame and procedures am I looking at for quarantine, etc?

I truly want what's best for the snake. I didn't have any intentions of keeping another wild caught garter. It would put my right at my "bag limit" for native species so no biggie there, but... yeah...Help! Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? I need them all!

Thanks guys...