Well, the other day I had a very astonishing conversation with a roach friend of mine and found out that he'll be importing 4 pairs of Marcopanesthia rhinoceros, the world's largest and heaviest cockroach. The only problem is... A single pair is $400. My parents have agreed to let me purchase a pair of these awesome bugs if I can raise the money through selling cockroaches and my other "wares" in 40 days. I've wanted these ever since I set eyes on them in Allpet roach book and I finally have my chance!
So, if you need feeders or are looking for new snakes, here's what I've got! Now's the time to buy!

Feeder Cockroaches:

Blaptica dubia
Guyanna orange-spotted cockroach
$20 for 40

Eublaberus posticus
Orange headed cockroach
$20 for 30

Nauphoeta cinera
Lobster cockroach
$10 for 150

Blaberus discoidalis
False death's head/ Discoid cockroach
$20 for 35

^^^ These are the best candidates for a feeder set up. If you need care info, I can provide it!

Pet Cockroaches:

Archimandrita tesselata
Peppered cockroach
$5 each. Best price on the net guaranteed. Grows to 3+ inches and is very social; They'll eat out of your hand.

Gromphadorhina portentosa
Hissing cockroach
$20 for 30. Individual prices arrangeable. THE pet cockroach.


Butler's garter snakes, unsexed. $30 each. Feeding on either worm pieces, salmon/tilapia/pinky mix or both. Approximately 8 left.

Red sided garter snakes, unsexed. $25 each, 2 for $40. Feeding on the above. Mother is very spunky. :P

Thank you all for your support. Let's hope I can pull stuff together!