Hi, I've been checking out the forums for a few days now after I stumbled acrossed it looking for information on my GulfCoast Ribbon that I caught about 4 days ago. He's about 12" long and I've done hours of research and have read every care sheet that I can find, but I still can't get him to eat.

I've only had him 4 days but I absolutely adore the little guy, I named him Ungenheuer ( German for "Monster" but I call him Hugh for short ). I've tried Tilapia (sp?) fillets for the past few days. Any information on a good starter food just to get him to eat before I release him, because the last thing I want to do is to harm the little guy.

By the way, the forum and it's members are absolutely amazing. Just reading your posts and previous threads have been seriously helpful.

Thanks alot,