Some of you may remember when I posted my wretched week in the Sad Day thread that somehow one of my adult female checkereds got out (still don't know how...)

There was a rather nasty smell coming out of the middle food cabinet. So I looked around and nothing that could have smelled. Weird. Something was telling me to check the cabinet underneath. So I pulled everything out and on one of the pots there was a really foul smelling grey brown liquid... With little snake poo looking things in it. Huh... Could it be Olive diarrhea?? So I looked around the back door (my family has to much STUFF, it drives me CRAZY) and kind of halfheartedly pushed some stuff around. No... I can't imagine finding her. The diarrhea seemed old... And she could be ANYWHERE (I had already torn the house apart once).

Then I thought hey. I'll check under the washer and dryer again. So I kinda look under (it's been 4 weeks, I wasn't expecting anything...) and glanced around. Lots of lint and it was dark and I couldn't see anything. So... I grabbed a yard ruler from next to me and thought I would poke around under a bit. TOTALLY discouraged and thinking I was wasting my time. I stuck it under a tiny bit and it was a bad angle so I pulled it out and POP! There she was sitting in front of me! It was the most BIZZARE thing. lol!!!Last thing I was expecting to see even though I was looking for her!

After I got over my shock. (I grabbed her all slow and dazzed. lol! My mind hadn't grasped it yet) I quickly ran her to the other side of the house and stuck her head in a bowl of water and let her drink and drink and drink....
I am pretty sure she had NO access to water for the whole 4 weeks. She is 10 grams lighter, very skinny.... Dang. I feel horrible... But she is safe now! And I won't let her get out again!!! Whew! Welcome back Olive!