I mentioned in some other thread (I forget which one) that we might start a new "Member of The Month" competition. It would give those of us with no photographic equipment (or photographic talent) something to participate in, (not that I feel it should exclude photos) . Plus, I think such input as Stonyloam's sunroom thread or GarterGirls new found enthusiasm deserve some recognition. My thought was that such a competition might be based on "Best New Thread" or "Best Contribution to The Forum", basically whatever we've been enjoying that month. I feel that a competition such as this might encourage more input from those members who are inclined more to read than to write. The prize could be changing the member status from "Hi, I'm new Here" or "Second Shed a Success" or whatever, to "Member of the month". Anyone have any thoughts on that?

If such a competition was to be, perhaps the Moderators should be excluded.... Obviously Ricks contribution to the forum would put him in the final every time, so just for us members. Christ...I hope he doesn't shoot me with his bow and arrow now!!