Hi Guys. After much thought and deliberation I have decided to stand down as Moderator, and become a regular member again.

I have found that over the past few weeks I have been enjoying the forum less and less, there is a marked change in the atmosphere that I'm just not comfortable with... the friendly ambience is fast disappearing. Recently, reading through the posts every day has become more of a chore than a pleasure. Add to this the pressure of work I will be under for the next few months. While I'm away I won't have access to a computer so I won't be reading all the posts, as I normally do. There are simply too many posts to come home to, and I will never catch up once I fall behind.

Personally, I feel that if I am not going to be around, not reading all the posts, not greeting new members, it's better that I'm not a Moderator. Our other Moderators may be comfortable with that, but I'm not.

We have three other Moderators who will now need to take the reigns a little bit more, unless Boots decides to appoint a new one.

So, thanks for putting up with me over this past twelve months.... I will now re-join the ranks!