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Thread: Racer X

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    "Preparing For Third shed" Steven@HumboldtHerps's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Eureka, CA (Humboldt County)
    Country: United States

    Racer X

    Oh my! It's the Speed Racer of snakes... at least for my area in NW Cali!
    Since I began working up on the Bald Hills Prairie in Redwood National and State Parks, I have virtually lost count of how many Western Yellow-bellied Racers I have come across. Coluber constrictor mormon is everywhere! And they live up to their name. Try to catch one! Just try to even get a photo of one (especially when you're packed with gear!). Also, on numerous ocassions we have witnessed their feeding behavior. It seems that, just like garters, prey goes down the hatch alive. So there we are eradicating invasive grasses, and then you hear the squeeking, and you look, and there goes a racer with a baby gopher or field mouse in its mouth... just movin' along feeding on the run! I am still trying to figure out why the epithet constrictor is named as such.... there's no constricting going on! Anyways, here are some pics...

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