Lately I have been reading a lot of posts regarding birthing & picking up gravid females either unintentionally or outright targeting gravid females simply to feel "included" in the breeding forum.

This is not to be taken so lightly, it is not some cute thing, "Awe I'm going to have babies" it is VERY serious stuff.

Or oh they all died, better luck next time SHOCKING!!!!

If someone is new to keeping snakes, that person should have the self control to keep one snake for a period of time, learn the hobby, advance skill and knowledge. Gain understanding of natures process.

When James brought this issue up once before, the topic went onto several tangents until the thread became a photo gallery of pretty red snakes, completely losing sight of the point at hand.

The miracle of birth is awesome, soul stirring and inspires joy in many people, but in reality would you want someone who just read "Md. Magazine" for the first time to deliver YOUR children?

Unless the resources/money/housing/space and proper food are at your disposal, intentionally gathering gravid females just so one can feel included in the "Baby buzz" is a disaster waiting to happen.

And then when the disaster does in fact happen, (all too often) it appears if there is no lesson learned, except that it's OK, just go grab another and try again.

Birthing and caring for neonate snakes is not this easy walk in the park many folks try to portray it to be. It is hard work and requires dedication and should not be taken lightly.

Disrupting the balance of nature to satisfy one selfish desires to play doctor in the delivery room is WRONG