Dekay, Dave asked if I was bringing them tomorrow (THANKS FOR MY VERY FIRSTEST EVER SNAKE SACK!!!) and I said I wasn't as I thought they should settle in...

Dekay, ah... I REALLY want to take them. I don't want to be w/o them and they're going to be going there weekly and all... And I don't really want to go to work w/o them as I LOVE THEM.

Ah, you think I could take them tomorrow? After a day and nite of settling in? I really want to. I really want to and have nibbled Jeepers' tail off already (I've heard it will grow back...) and don't want to leave them - I LOVE THEM!

You think it would be otay? Not that I'd like get much done tomorrow with them with. But nibble and kiss and hug and snuggle them. Winnie is HUGE compared to my Boys!!!!!!!!! But... We've the meand to keep them comfy - if I'm not waling around with them next to my heart - and I could get worms for them and feed them, if they'd want to eat. I think Jeepers would (so much for HIM being the SHY guy...) and they'd be park worms w/o any pesticides and all that.

Whatchew think, Gran'pa?