Okay guys,

I have cooked up two shirt designs so far, am working on a third right now, but I really want to make a garter snake one. The problem: lacking of photos to do so. So I am asking anyone who wants to chip in with a photo, to please do!!!

My requirements are this:

The photo needs to be clear, and the whole snake, from the head to the tippy of the tail needs to be present. If you are able to place them on a plain white or black background, that would help tremendously. I don't keep all the types of garter snakes, but I would like to include a lot of variety in the shirt. I know this is odd, but if you can manage to get your snake into the shape of any letters of "thamnophis", or even half a letter... that would be great!!!

I have to leave for the movies now... so I can't go into any further detail... if you would like to see my most recent design you can check out reptastic.com and look under the forum other questions and corncerns to see the thread.

Thanks guys!!! lets hope form a garter snake design soon!