Grrrr! How I would love to post some new "Garters of 2008" pics! Fire season here in NW California has smoked out my favorite summer camping / herping spots.

So, I guess I will just post some of my favorite "on locations" I have so far...

Mountain Garter (T. elegans elegans) SW Siskiyou County July 20, 2007

Coast Garter (T. elegans terrestris) SW Del Norte County August 23, 2007

Oregon Garter (T. atratus hydrophilus) feeding on larval Dicamptodon - Smith River, Del Norte County June 17, 2007

Oregon Garter with a mouthful! SW Siskiyou County July 19, 2007

Oregon Garter hunting... SW Siskiyou County September 3, 2007

Valley Garter (T. sirtalis fitchi) SW Del Norte County August 23, 2007

Well, I sure do hope they put out those fires real soon!!!
