Didn't sleep well last nite. And up an hour early. When my mind has a bone to gnaw on I tend to be single minded.

Got to thinking. Maybe we'd have to convert dollars and pounds to euros so as to have a common denominator? Else we'd be comparing apples and oranges. Thoughts? Because I don't do math well.

Got to thinking. I think first we need lists of wants and what there is or may be available for exchange. It would then be the people getting and giving that would then foot the bill. Those not in the exchange in any way could then contribute should they wish to help out.

I'm thinking there would have to be two permits on both sides - an inney and an outey. And I'm fearful there's going to be custom fees and possibly other fees we've not thought of - I just don't think it's going to be as easy and cheap as a plane ticket and permits. My luck doesn't run that way.

Movin' the kids: Lots of cotton bags in a big wooden box with a heat pack at one end? THIS is not my balliwick and somebody else is going to have figure THIS puppy out. Paint SNAKES all over the box in BRIGHT RED and freak everyone out! What was that movie about the snakes on the plane?

I've started two threads: Wants and Available. The second including possible availables. Please post accordingly with your name/handle. Is there someone that would like to keep track of these two threads and have two lists going?

Bet the boa people never accomplished anything this great!