Does anyone feel, like me, that we are becoming ever less of a Garter Snake forum and more of a general hobbyist forum recently?
I know we have always had the odd thread here and there, about related issues, similar genera, general snake issues etc. We even have Lulu's excellent 'Oh So Quiet' thread where we can place our random thoughts, and Stefan's 'Nature Photography' thread, which comes back to the fore with welcome regularity.

It just seems to me, when I log on, that there are now countless posts on weird coloured Rat Snakes or Milk Snakes, frogs, or yet another Royal (Ball) Python. Shouldn't all that stuff be in 'Pics of my other pets'? Or even on another forum? I have to dredge through to find anything Garter Snake related. Of course that's your choice, as members, it's an open forum.... but is this where we, as a community, want to go? To be just another (but smaller) Or RFUK?

Occasionally I visit other reptile forums, as no doubt many of you do, and it seems to me that there is little left these days to set us apart from these 'general reptile keeping' forums. I'm not criticising them, they have their role to play, but I'm not sure they are of much interest to me. A year ago this truely was THE Garter Snake forum, but I imagine a guest scrolling through our posts now, might wonder why we chose our title.

Garters have always been something of a 'poor relation' in the hobby, and it seems to me as though that feeling is creeping into as more and more threads unrelated to Thamnophis are posted.

I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, I'm not blameless for posting this stuff... but are we losing our identity? Maybe we should be making the effort to be more focused and specialised?
Shouldn't we try to remain and not become