So today was the most INSANE!!!!!! school day i have ever had so it was really nice out, a little cloudy...... but all of a sudden my classmates and i hear a huge crack of thunder..... instantly it starts to downpour....... right into ALL of our windows...... we are on the third story BTW........ so people start to get annoyed bc they are getting wet..... then the wind picks up......... first twigs start to fly stright into the class...... then branches...... then HUGE pieces of hail..... the size of ice cubes....... start to fly in and hit people in the faces!!!!!! then the wind creates a sort of suction affect and all of the 3rd story dors slam one right after annother..... then my teacher announces to move to the front of the room while she goes back through the hail, sticks, and rain to shut all 6 f the windows, top and bottom!!!!!! so all the windows are shut and the storm continues to worsen when we hear a loud explosion.... the power goes out,...... and a car swerves, all within a few seconds...... (so we find out later that the power serge caused the ventilation system to blow up and a tree fell which the car narrowly avoided) then the fire allarm goes off........ so everyone thinks it's a joke..... then people start to smell smoke...... so we all run outside.... all 800 of us...... so we are all outside running around in circles screaming, very confused.... branches are flying it's hailing and raining in buckets.... and keep in mind that it was 100 F yesterday..... so then the teachers realize that it's safer inside and start to blow their wistles.... so we all start to go in when they decide that the school has no electrical grounds so they start to walk us to the buss garage when they change their minds AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! they push all into the autitorium and the B-gym.... and this is all in the dark...... so we sit there for 20 min and finally our prin. comes and tells us that the fire department has cleared the building for safety and to return to class...... so NO one knows what just happened in the last hour and we go back...... i heard thet they would have taken us home but they thaught it was safer in the school..... YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! so most of our teachers have to use power to do their lessons, and we have none so we basically do nothing for the next 4 hrs of the day.......

but in the end it was all really stupid on everyone's part.