Sorry to those who may think all of my pictures are as good as what i have posted previously, these were taken quickly in my room, with little thought to photo quality. here is a group shot of the 5 or so recent snakes.

and here are the 3 that i hope are gravid females. I am pretty confident about 2 of them.
the first 2 shots are the orange striped, she's in shed, but she still let me take a couple shots...

this one is a mixed middle stripe with 2 yellow ventral strips I am pretty sure about this one being female too, both this and the above are around 30 inches, so by size alone I am confident they're female...

this is not the tail of the above snake, it's the other yellow stripe in the bunched up group, I think it could be a large male.

this 3rd snake is the one I am not sure about, it's the 3rd largest snake and is the one in the water in the group photo