i LOVE assassin bugs... but for the longest time.. nobody thought i was serious when i talked to them about how cool they are. I would say assassin bug, and thy would look at me and start laughing. Well, one day, me and eddie are in his room and I looked up and i saw something moving on the light... got up expecting a spider and instead it was one of these!! They have surprisingly good eyesight, everytime i would reach for him he would duck behind the glass again! I ran out of eddies room all excited yelling at his family GUYS THERES AN ASSASIN BUG IN EDDIES ROOM I TOLD YOU THEY WERE REAL COME LOOK AT HIM HE CAN SEE YOU!!!! And yet they still all looked at me like i was... well nuts!! Even eddie was like shannon, you are on drugs... you make him sound like a ninja bug or something...