I'm a teenager, and I love love love snakes. Always have. My brother used to have a cornsnake, but now that all my siblings are gone, and after much research, I've decided I want a garter snake. I always loved playing with them when I'd find them in the garden. I have a few questions though..

I have a 100-gallon aquarium to put him/her in. I want to use a 50/50 peat/sterile sand substrate. Is this acceptable ?

My step-dad is the one who will be helping me out the most with the snake. He's a vegetarian and really doesn't want to feed the snake pinkies, fuzzies, or any other mouse. What are some alternatives (he's not too big on the nightcrawlers, either, and neither am I, because that means feeding a LOT more often) to mice that we can use ?

Who is the best supplier of garters, in your own experience ?

Thanks so much. :]