Well, finally some pictures of my cyrtopsis. The sun was out, so I decided to weigh and 'shoot' them.
They didn't eat from mid december to 28. april!!! I was almost getting worried!
But the 28. some pieces of fish disappeared and since then, the feedingbowl is always empty! Feeding on everything I give them.
lets see...the 28. april to 18. may...thats 20 days or something?
Tcc 3 (Big orange stripe in the neck) gained 23 grams (18,9 percent of body mass)
Tcc 4 (small orange stripe in neck) gained 40 somthing grams (23,4 percent of bodymass)

I'll see if I can place some of these pictures in the photografic library...I'll take more pics like this (clear white background, natural light) of other species later this week