Got a minor concern about my red-sided - in May of last year I noticed a small lump on the side of his body about 12" down from the head (he's 36" long and 2.5 years old), with another a couple of inches below it.
The largest lump is about 5mm x 3mm and stands out about 1mm, the other lump is around 30% smaller.
Had him checked by a vet last October and he said they could be small cysts or maybe just fat, and said to keep an eye on him but it was probably nothing to worry about.
The lumps haven't noticeably increased in size and behaviour-wise he seems fine.

Has anyone else encoutered anything like this?

I initially thought that they may be small wounds that had become infected - he used to be in a fairly tall 18" high viv, and although he loves climbing, he's not very good at it and often fell, so I thought he'd maybe got a couple of small wounds that way. (He's now in a lower 12" high viv.)

However, in the AVS book "Garter and Water snakes" it says that vitamin E deficiency can causes fatty lumps under the skin, so could this be the cause? He's been on a rodent only diet all his life so far.

Any opinions most welcome!
