I now officially have 5 snakes instead of one

First arrived two young parietalises, brother and sister, very nice colouring. I hope the brother will start to fancy my old female after a year (or two? what is the 'ripe' age again?). They're now about 4 months old.

Next was a beautiful young Natrix Maura, which I might even like more than the parietalises because it somehow fits better in its surroundings, and has more subtle coulour patterns. This one EATS a hell of a lot, it now looks like a gabon adder .

And now I found back my long lost corn snake who ate today(luckily).

Pictures soon

P.S. Are any of you (dutch people) experiencing a frog wave? There are about 50 frogs and billions of eggs in my tiny pond...yuck.
My snake is too small to eat all of them, and they just keep coming back.