Ok I was just browsing around on the web and found this reptile forum where someone asked the question how often others garter-snakes actually went INTO the water. And not just using it to drink. Now I know that this really is a species-related question, but Iīm kind of curious wether garters have different personalities when it comes to these things. My radix was in her bowl a couple of times when she was fairly new (not counting when I gave her live feeder fish to hunt) but now I days I never see it. I also have a Sirtalis now and I havenīt seen him in the tub yet. Both species being kind of "generalist-garters" in there habits so I find it quite interesting to know if any of you with "generalist-garters" see individual preferences in such behaviour.

I hope this post is understandable. Iīm working night-shift and Iīm sleeeeepy